To place an order, simply browse our website, select the items you wish to purchase, and proceed to checkout. If you’ve already placed an order and want to check its status, you can do so by logging into your account and viewing your order history. There, you’ll find updates on your order’s progress, including tracking information once it’s shipped.
Simply login to your account and visit the “Change Password” page. We recommend you choose a strong password for your account so as to increase the security.
Common guidelines for choosing good passwords are designed to make passwords less easily discovered by intelligent guessing:
Include numbers, symbols, upper and lowercase letters in passwords
Password length should be around 3 to 14 characters
Avoid any password based on repetition, dictionary words, letter or number sequences, usernames, relative or pet names, or biographical information (eg, dates, ID numbers, ancestors names or dates, …).
If the system is case sensitive use capital and lower-case letters
Password should be easy to remember for the user
As with any security measure, passwords vary in effectiveness (i.e., strength); some are weaker than others. For example, the difference in weakness between a dictionary word and a word with obfuscation (i.e., letters in the password are substituted by, say, numbers — a common approach) may cost a password cracking device a few more seconds. The examples below illustrate various ways weak passwords might be constructed, all of which are based on simple patterns which result in extremely low entropy:
Default Passwords (as supplied by the system vendor and meant to be changed at installation time): password, default, admin, guest, etc.
Dictionary words: chameleon, RedSox, sandbags,bunnyhop! IntenseCrabtree etc
Words with number substitutions: password1, deer2000, john1234, etc
Words with simple obfuscation: p@ssw0rd, l33th4x0r, g0ldf1sh, etc
Doubled words: crabcrab, stopstop, treetree, etc
Common sequences: qwerty, 12345678, mnbvcxz, etc
Numeric sequences based on well known numbers such as 911, 314159, or 27182, etc
Identifiers: jsmith123, 1/1/1970, 555-1234, “your username”, etc
Anything personally related to you: license plate number, Social Security number, current or past telephone number, student ID, address, birthday, relatives’ or pets’ names/nicknames/birthdays/initials, etc.
There are many other ways a password can be weak, corresponding to the strengths of various attack schemes; the core principle is that a password should have high entropy (usually taken to be equivalent to randomness) and not be readily derivable by any “clever” pattern, nor should passwords be mixed with information identifying the user.
If you ever lose your password you may click on “Forgot Password” in login area or contact us and we will be glad to assist.
Try the following if you’re experiencing trouble receiving emails from us:
Make verify your account has the proper email address.
Examine your junk mail box and SPAM filters.
Adding us to the white list on your mail server
Try utilizing a different email address from a different provider (for example, if you use Hotmail, try Yahoo!).
Please get in touch with us if you have done all of the above and you are still experiencing issues getting our emails. We would be happy to assist you in resolving the issue.
Your account can be canceled, but you must get in touch with us to do so for security reasons. There might not be a good reason to use this option because the account does not keep credit card information.